Citation Information :
Mukherjee T, Wazir S. Recent Advances in Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Neonatal Sepsis. Pediatr Inf Dis 2019; 1 (3):108-113.
Sepsis is one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality in the neonatal period. Although this is a global problem, the magnitude of the problem is huge in developing countries because of a lack of clear guidelines for the management of the condition, lack of standard laboratory services and impulsivity of the clinician in changing the antibiotics for any slight deterioration which can be explained by other noninfectious conditions. The source of infection in the baby can be from the mother called the early onset sepsis or from the community or hospital called the late-onset sepsis. Proper identification and knowledge of the causative microorganism can help decide the right antibiotic and causative microorganisms in one area or hospital would be different from the other area and hence it is prudent to make efforts for the identification of the organism causing the disease. Treatment requires the judicious use of antibiotics with the proper choice of antibiotics as well as proper dose and duration. Overuse of antibiotics should be discouraged because of risk of complications and resistance development.
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