Citation Information :
Sabahath F, Lewis P. Study of the Immunization Status and Reasons for Incomplete Vaccination of Children Attending an Urban Hospital. Pediatr Inf Dis 2022; 4 (3):92-100.
Study of the Immunization Status and Reasons for Incomplete Vaccination of Children Attending an Urban Hospital Introduction: Immunization is one of the main health interventions to prevent childhood morbidity and mortality. Need of the study: We noticed that the vaccination status of the children admitted in our hospital differed markedly from what was recommended by the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP), despite most of the families living in the city and having access to health care. Objective:The study was conducted in order to assess the magnitude of the problem and the factors affecting the immunization status of the children. Materials and methods: Children between the age of 6 weeks to 18 years attending an urban hospital were included in study, which was conducted for a period of 9 months from September 1, 2017 to May 31, 2018. The IAP 2016 Immunization Guidelines were taken as the standard. Based on these guidelines, children were categorized as completely immunized, partially immunized, or unimmunized for their age depending on the level of immunization they had received. Result: A total of 378 children were included in the study. We found that 32.3% (122) children were completely immunized and 67.7% (256) of children were partially immunized. The most common reasons for partial/nonvaccination included (a) unawareness of the need for vaccination, followed by (b) financial constraints, (c) child being ill, and (d) postponing vaccination to another time for no apparent reason. Completion of schedule of vaccines that requires multiple doses (e.g., OPV and DPT or Pentavalent) remains a major challenge toward achieving higher full immunization coverage.
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