VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 4 ( October-December, 2022 ) > List of Articles
Jithin C Shaji, Remesh Kumar
Keywords : Dirofilariasis, Parasitic granuloma, Paravertebral region, Subcutaneous swelling
Citation Information : Shaji JC, Kumar R. A Case of Paravertebral Swelling in a Toddler Turning Out to be a Parasitic Granuloma (Dirofilariasis). Pediatr Inf Dis 2022; 4 (4):145-146.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10081-1316
License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Published Online: 31-12-2022
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2022; The Author(s).
Background and aim: Dirofilariasis is considered mainly as a zoonosis that may inadvertently cause disease in humans. Though there are many reports about different body locations for this parasitic infection, the subcutaneous involvement in the paravertebral region is mentioned in none. It could possibly cause diagnostic uncertainties when manifested in this particular area. Case description: A 2-year-old male child presented with an asymptomatic swelling in his right lower thoracic paravertebral region for the last 6 months. Ultrasonogram done showed the presence of a worm in a subcutaneous hypoechoic nodule. The lesion was excised and the histopathology of the specimen was consistent with dirofilariasis. Conclusion: Dirofilariasis should be thought of as a differential diagnosis in any case of subcutaneous paravertebral swelling. Clinical significance: We projected this case to realize the possibility of occurrence of parasitic granuloma in this area of the body and the uncertainties it could create in the mind of a pediatrician.